Why purchase silver?

We thought we'd let you know the advantages of silver.


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

While gold is known for being the classic go-to when looking to accumulate wealth, many financial advisors would say that putting all of your eggs in one basket is not the best option. That’s why silver is the perfect way to diversify your portfolio! Here are some of the benefits on offer:

o There is no counterparty risk. You don't need another party to fulfill a contract or promise if you own physical silver. This is not the case with stocks or bonds or virtually any other investment.

o You have no default risk if you own physical silver. Not true for almost any other investment.

o Long-term use as money. A look at monetary history reveals that silver has been used in coinage more frequently than gold!

o In a world of paper profits, digital trading, and currency creation, physical silver stands out as one of the few assets that you can carry in your pocket anywhere, even another country. And it can be as private and confidential as you want. Physical silver is also a tangible hedge against all forms of hacking and cybercrime.

o It is much more affordable for the average investor, but as a precious metal, it will help you maintain a similar standard of living to gold during times of monetary dilution.

o Silver is not only less expensive to buy, but it can also be more practical to sell.

o Perhaps you don't want to sell an entire ounce of gold to meet a minor financial need someday. Here comes silver. You can sell only what you want or need at the time because it frequently comes in smaller denominations than gold.

o Believe it or not, you don’t go one day without using a product that contains silver.

o It is used in almost every major industry, from electronics to medical applications to batteries and solar panels. Whether you see it or not, silver is all around you.

o Because of these unique properties, the number of industrial applications for silver has increased dramatically. Indeed, industry now consumes more than half of total silver demand.

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